Barrel Front Sight Base (FSB) Install Service - Customer Supplied FSB

Overt Industries

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Overt Industries will Pin a FSB to your barrel in accordance with Mil spec Mil-C-70599A section 3.4.6

This is for the installation of a USGI FSB on a new undrilled barrel. This service is for customers who are supplying the FSB and all relevant components (Complete FSB, Pins, Delta Ring assembly, USGI barrel nut, and handguard cap). Please contact us in advance to discuss your project and the barrel which you plan to provide. 

We will provide the We do not install FSBs on .308/7.62 barrels.

WE DO NOT install FSBs on predrilled barrels.

Do NOT send a complete upper without ordering the disassemble – reassemble services.


Email SALES@OVERTINDUSTRIES.COM to discuss your project and further logistics. 


  1. Overt Industries can also source additional components that may not be listed on our website. Customer is also able to provide components if needed.
  2. All custom builds must be paid in full prior to beginning the project & ordering the specified components.
  3. Most builds are completed and shipped within 7-14 business days (sooner when possible).
  4. All custom build sales are FINAL – Cancellation & returns and refunds are not accepted.

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